Awareness, Kundalini, Maha Kundalini Tantra, Meditation, self-development, Tantra
Meditation There are basically two main types of meditation, and they’re all about how you focus your attention: 1. Focused Attention Meditation (or Concentration Meditation) This type is about choosing something to focus on and sticking with it. It could be your...
Awareness, Kundalini, Maha Kundalini Tantra, Relationship, Tantra
Misunderstanding and abusing the tantric path In the world of Tantra, words that we usually associate with sex, take on a deeper, more mystical meaning. In Tantra, these terms are seen as symbols for different stages or powers of women and man on the spiritual path,...
Awareness, Kundalini, Maha Kundalini Tantra, self-development, Tantra
Spiritual growth parameters for the tantrika The following parameters provide an accurate insight into your spiritual development on the path of Tantra. Every discipline and field of work includes a feedback mechanism that makes individuals aware of their performance,...
Awareness, Kundalini, Maha Kundalini Tantra, self-development, Tantra
What qualities are needed to awaken the Kundalini Energy QUALITIES REQUIRED TO AWAKEN KUNDALINI There are three qualities that we must learn and possess if we wish to achieve any level of realization through tantric practice, especially Kundalini awakening. Without...
Awareness, Bewustwording, Kundalini, Maha Kundalini Tantra, Tantra
THE CHAKRAS THE CHAKRAS APPROACHED FROM THE MAHA KUNDALINI TANTRA PERPECTIVE TRANSFORMATION AND CONVERSION CENTERS Aside from their function as energetic centers, the chakras also function as transformers, receptors and processing centers of energies from physical,...