I prefer teaching without words. Words and explanations are neither practical nor useful when practicing Tantra as a way of life.
In my lessons, I create situations where direct experience causes conceptual expectations to collapse.
Talking and the use of words inevitably lead to mental disasters and misunderstandings. They promote the accumulation of useless knowledge and an inflated spiritual ego.
The collection of what is called ‘knowledge’ depends on words, opinions, and beliefs. Most people confuse thoughts with ‘truth’ and ‘facts’, leading to a false, illusory sense of certainty.
Life is a story we tell ourselves, a collective dream of illusions. In modern times, we call it ‘The Matrix’.
Knowledge cannot penetrate the heart, and emotions cannot be fully explained by the words of the mind. Any spiritual path explained with words cannot speak directly to the heart. This is why there is so much violence, aggression, and rivalry between religions/spiritual traditions, and even within different branches of the same religion or tradition.
The original goal of Tantra was, and still is, “expansion towards liberation”—liberation from the illusions of knowledge, words, thoughts, emotions, and all other veils that blind people to experiencing the true nature of their existence.
This leads to interesting and paradoxical spiritual situations. One example is the attempt to explain non-duality using words, which, by their very nature, form the basis of dualism in human communication.
Although I do not avoid speaking in my lessons, the learning process itself takes place beyond words.
If you want to practice Tantra, start by freeing yourself from your desire for knowledge, certainty, control, and mental, physical, and emotional comfort. That is a good place to begin.
Truth is found in emptiness and silence… or is it?