Misunderstanding and abusing the tantric path
In the world of Tantra, words that we usually associate with sex, take on a deeper, more mystical meaning. In Tantra, these terms are seen as symbols for different stages or powers of women and man on the spiritual path, who are working toward their own divine awakening.
One of the most powerful ideas in Tantra is Maithuna, often misunderstood as simple sexual union. Maithuna represents a union of sexual energy that is transformed into awareness spiritual energies. It’s the meeting of Kundalini, the serpent-like power curled up at the base of the spine, with Siva, the divine force that resides at the crown of the head.
This isn’t about bodies coming together; it’s about the merging of energies—Sakti (divine energy) and prana (life force)—awakening the spirit and unleashing higher consciousness using the body as a vessel.
For many, the practices described in Tantra might seem to be about physical acts, but that’s not the deeper truth. Some practitioners follow these practices literally, believing they are necessary to awaken the spirit. These practitioners abuse the way of Tantra and use it to fulfill and satisfy their selfish sexual desire and lust.
For a beginner Tantrika, it might look more literal. For the more advanced, these same practices are seen through a more spiritual, inner lens and as a tool to achieve Oneness and self-realization.
Tantra teaches that everything in life can be viewed from two angles: the outer, worldly view (vyavaharika), and the inner, spiritual view (paramarthika). Think of it like looking at a beautiful painting from both the front and the back—each side tells a different story, but both are part of the whole. In the same way, the tantrika must awaken the Kundalini, that coiled energy, and raise it up through the spine to reach the top chakra – Sahasrara. This is the heart of the Tantric path: a journey of transformation, where the physical and spiritual worlds collide to create something greater.
In the end, Tantric sexuality is about transcending the physical act and transforming it into a spiritual experience, a path to higher consciousness and divine connection.